

A new generation of cercospora tolerant sugar beet varieties.

CERCOTECH® varieties combine

Strong cercospora tolerance

  • Slows disease progression
  • Helps to maintain a green canopy to harvest
  • Potentially optimising fungicide applications.

High sugar yield

  • Maximise photosynthetic efficiency
  • Maintain high yield potential, especially under heavy disease pressure.

CERCOTECH® best practices

It is best to always combine CERCOTECH® sugar beet varieties with:

  • A fungicide programme, adapted to disease development
  • A long crop rotation
  • The incorporation of crop residues into the soil

CERCOTECH® benefits for farmers

  1. Helps to preserve yield and sugar content under medium to strong disease pressure
  2. Helps to keep Cercospora inoculum in the field under control from year to year
  3. Further optimises the number of fungicide applications
  • Makes sugar beet growing more convenient
  • Both safer and better for the environment